
The Powder Mage Roleplaying Game

Created by Brian McClellan

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Latest Powder Mage Book is Out!
about 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 03, 2019 at 02:32:52 PM

Hi everyone! I hope you're all still enjoying your RPGs. I just wanted to pop in and let you know that BLOOD OF EMPIRE, the final Powder Mage book, hit the shelves today. The book wraps up the stories of Vlora Flint, Ben Styke, Michel Bravis, Taniel Two-shot, and Ka-poel. You can get it in ebook, hardcover (US), and paperback (UK), with the audiobook coming in March.

Have a good holiday!

The BLOOD TALLY Kickstarter is live!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 02:11:22 PM

Hey guys! I hope you all have been enjoying the Powder Mage RPG. Just wanted to let you know that I'm running my second Kickstarter ever, for the sequel to the urban fantasy book that came out earlier this year. It's about a collection agent in Cleveland, Ohio who works for the supernatural. If that sounds up your alley, I hope you'll head over and check it out!


over 6 years ago – Tue, Jun 05, 2018 at 02:51:32 PM

Hey all! Brian here to let you know that 98% of the Kickstarter has been shipped. Huzzah! There are a handful of orders I'm still processing, but they should be out by the end of the week. Check your email for a message from that includes your tracking number.

Update on the books shipped directly from the printer: they were supposed to go out on May 17th. They did not. I didn't find this out until last week. Supposedly, they shipped on Friday (June 1st) and they should have already started to arrive. I'm really sorry about that. ALSO: Fedex lost a box that included 20 of those shipment. I'm going to give them a week to find the box, and then send out replacements. Again, really sorry that the whole printing process turned out to be such a disaster. The one bright spot on that is the books look absolutely fantastic.

If your shipment seems to be missing or doing a run-about in the postal system, give it an extra couple of days and then drop me a message via kickstarter. We'll either track it down or get you a new one sent out. With any other problems, message me or Alan.

Thanks again for the patience!

Shipping Update
over 6 years ago – Fri, May 11, 2018 at 02:38:40 PM

Brian here with a quick update. I was informed two days ago that the printer would NOT be delivering the RPGs on the 11th (today) as previously arranged. I've spent the time since going back and forth with them and, long story short, they are going to ship directly from their warehouse on the 17th.

This is great news for those of you who backed the kickstarter for unsigned books. I'll ship out anything else you ordered through backerkit this weekend and then the printer will ship to you directly and you should be all covered.

This is bad news for those of you who backed for signed copies. I'm leave the country for the rest of the month, which means I'll have to take care of all the signing, packing, and shipping when I get home. Sorry about this further delay. Everyone should have their books in hand by early-mid June.

Backerkit Charges
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 10:05:27 AM

Hey all! Brian here to let you know that we plan on charging Backerkit this coming Friday (April 27th). In case you've forgotten, Backerkit is where we take care of shipping and any add-ons you might have ordered. Head on over there and make sure your address and credit card info are all correct so that shipping goes as smoothly as possible.
