
The Powder Mage Roleplaying Game

Created by Brian McClellan

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Post-Thanksgiving Update
about 7 years ago – Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 08:58:37 PM

Hello everyone! Brian here with your post-Thanksgiving update. All the peripherals (poker chips, playing cards, and dice) have arrived at my office and look fantastic. The writing continues on the RPG, though I'm not quite finished yet. I've spent the last ten days or so focused on copy-edits of Wrath of Empire but those are finished and going back to the editor on Monday so I can swing back 100% to the RPG.

A note on the writing: It's been a little more challenging than I initially expected. Creating world content is a totally different animal from writing narrative, and I don't do much worldbuilding outside of what goes directly into the books so 90% of the nitty-gritty content for the RPG is brand new. Basically what I'm saying is that I had the structure/basics done long ago and what's slowed me down is the detail work (like making sure that each country in the Nine has its own distinct personality).

My hope is to have the writing finished by the second week of December. From there we head into production and I'll be able to give you step-by-step updates, and release will be within grasp.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Mad Lancer Downloads!
about 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 12:16:47 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

October Update
over 7 years ago – Mon, Oct 09, 2017 at 02:19:43 PM

Hi everyone! Brian here with a bit of news that will be unsurprising to anyone who's been following my progress on Wrath of Empire over on Twitter: I won't hit my goal of having the RPG out by the end of this month.

As mentioned before, I had to finish Wrath before I turned my full attention to the RPG. That would have been done three months ago, except I realized that one of the character arcs was immensely boring and have spent those last few months rewriting a third of the novel. I finally finished last night and turned it in this morning. The good news is the book is way better because of the rewrite. The bad news is the RPG is getting pushed back once again.

Here's where we stand: Alan is 95% done with his work and waiting on me. The dice and cards have both arrived. The chips should arrive soon. I have to finish writing the rest of the world content, put it through edits, and then oversee a contractor putting all the content together into a book (and then printing, of course). My revised delivery estimate is January 2018.

I know a lot of you were hoping to have the book to play during the holidays. I hope everyone will accept my apologies for the new delivery date.

Update on the RPG and an extra bit of Powder Mage fun
over 7 years ago – Wed, Sep 06, 2017 at 09:17:41 PM

Hey everyone! Brian here, just checking in to let everyone know how things are going.

I'm still behind on Wrath of Empire (book 2), which means I'm still behind on the RPG writing. I'm sneaking it in on the evenings and weekends whenever I can and I hope I'll be able to turn my full attention to polishing off the content and pounding out the edits ASAP.

In the meantime, I've just put out a new Powder Mage novella, The Mad Lancers. Here's the important bit: IF YOU BACKED THE KICKSTARTER, YOU WILL BE RECEIVING A FREE EBOOK COPY OF THE NEW NOVELLA. I'm a Kickstarter noob, so I'll talk to Alan this week and see if we can send the file directly through Kickstarter this week (rather than wait till I deliver all the orders this fall).

If you backed the Kickstarter at THE WHOLE POWDER BARREL level, you'll receive a signed hardcover of The Mad Lancers along with the rest of your books when they ship.

--this was something of a spur of the moment thought for me, so I apologize if you already ordered The Mad Lancers. Please feel free to return it to your ebook vendor, and I'll get you your free version ASAP--

Final Call for Backerkit
over 7 years ago – Mon, Aug 07, 2017 at 01:15:27 PM

Hey everyone! Brian here to give you the final call to upgrade your orders (or put in a late order) via Backarkit. We'll close out orders and finalize charges by this Thursday, August 10th, at 2PM EST Remember, you can add more copies of the RPG, any of the Powder Mage books, cool jewelry, and more to your order!

Here is your link to Backerkit.