
The Powder Mage Roleplaying Game

Created by Brian McClellan

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 09:06:12 PM

Brian here with another mortified apology. After my last update, I noticed that the printer hadn't yet charged my card. I emailed the rep to make sure production was well underway and was informed that it hadn't actually started yet because of a mix-up with template files.

Long story short, it's finally been worked out and they will ship from the printer to my office on May 8th. If they have not arrived at my office well before I have to leave for London on the 17th, I'm going to start pulling my hair out.

So once again (and again), huge apologies. Thank you so much for your patience.

Getting close!
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 09, 2018 at 10:50:28 PM

Hey everyone! Brian here.

Sorry for going silent for the last month. Making arrangements with the new printer has been an absolute bear, but proofs have finally been approved. I'm waiting on confirmation of the delivery date, which will hopefully be within the next two weeks. As soon as I know, I plan on clearing my schedule the day the books arrive and having them packed and shipped within 48 hours of reaching my office.

Thanks again for all your patience!


Incoming PDF!
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 09, 2018 at 09:00:01 PM


Today, we'll be sending out the Powder Mage RPG PDF from DriveThruRPG! The PDF is being distributed by Gallant Knight Games, and you'll receive an email to your Kickstarter email with a link to get your free copy of the PDF!

You can redeem the coupon with any account as long as you have the link!

Look for that! If you have any issues, wait 24 hours, and if your email here is the same as your DriveThru email, you'll have a notification stating that the free PDF is waiting. 

If you're still having issues, reach out and let us know and we'll get you sorted out! You can use the message function on Kickstarter or you can email Alan directly at [email protected]

Production Update!
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Feb 05, 2018 at 06:47:02 PM

Hey everyone! Brian here for your brief production update.

I'm pleased to report that the manuscript for the RPG has gone through the initial line edit, another round of edits with me and Alan, and is now at the copy editor. She'll have it back to me this week and after I go through her comments it's finally on to our graphic designer who will put together the book!

Manuscript Update
about 7 years ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2018 at 11:27:11 PM

Hello all, Brian here!

December got a little crazy, what with me catching an illness, then a death in my wife's family, then the first pass (nitpick edits of the typeset book) of Wrath of Empire getting dropped in my lap without warning just before Christmas. Yes, I know, I'm full of excuses. I apologize.

The GOOD NEWS is that I finally finished the first full draft of the manuscript late last night. I've been working on all the little bits and pieces in different documents for the last 6-12 months, most of which have already had extensive edits or entire rewrites. Last night is the first time they were all together in a single document.

The manuscript has been sent to Alan for review. Once we've addressed any suggestions or concerns he has, it'll head to the line editor, and then the copy-editor, then to graphic design. Once we've finished hammering out the files, it'll go to the printer who will send me proofs for review. Assuming the proofs won't have to be heavily changed (which can extend production significantly), I'm guessing the process from now until it lands on my doorstep will be around three months.

That being said, I'm working with the production guys to push this through quickly (without cutting corners!), so I hope to reduce that timeline as much as possible as we go through each step.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding through all of this! I'll keep you guys updated on each step of production.